Are you considering getting bunk beds for your kids? Allow us to help you navigate The World of Bunks as we explore the benefits and reservations that often surround this very exciting topic.
Whether you love or hate them, there is no denying that bunk beds are an excellent way of saving space. With house prices sky rocketing there is no doubt that space saving solutions are pretty high on everyone’s list of priorities. Bunks are a brilliant addition to any child’s bedroom because they open up the room and allow you to use an area that would otherwise be occupied. Bunks allow for more floor space, making it easy to add a desk or a wardrobe or (anything else you may need!) to a relatively small room.
Meluka provides you with two excellent New Zealand made options when considering bunk beds. Both of which are very easy to clean-- simply wipe down with a damp cloth!
Our iconic BUNKboy is a timeless Kid’s Bedroom must have! They fit a standard Kind Single Mattress and a ladder that can be configured to the right or the left. The great set-up is ideal for older siblings who share a room. It is a brilliant way to create a positive (and separate) space for children who share a room. This allows for a sense of individuality and gives each child the ability to set their area up in a way they love.
With the bottom bunk only slightly off the ground, and the top bunk lower than a standard bunk bed, our COSYbunks are the perfect ‘First Bed’. They are easy to assemble and a perfect space-saver for young siblings who share a room. The fact that the bunks are so much lower to the ground gives you peace of mind when making the transition from cot to bed, knowing that your littlest love will not have far to fall. It is also hugely advantageous for you, as the lowered height of the top bunk allows your older baby to easily make their bed. With a safety rail in place on the top bunk, you can rest easy knowing that both your darlings are sleeping safely, happy in their own space.
It is worth mentioning that the NZ Guidelines recommend that the top bunk of any sized bed be reserved for children aged 9 and older.
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